Scanning System And Network Resources Using Advanced IP Scanner
What Advanced IP Scanner does:
1.Scans network in a matter of seconds
2.Detects any network devices, including Wi-Fi routers and wireless devices
3.Scans ports and finds HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, RDP and shared folders
4.Lets you connect to PCs running Radmin Server with one click
5.Allows you to shut down computers remotely
6.The opportunity to run ping, tracert, telnet and SSH commands on a selected
Supports Wake-On-Lan
7.Favorites list for easy network management
8.Export to HTML or CSV
9.Easy and user-friendly interface
For downloading Of the file follow the link
1.After downloading Install it
2.After installing Advanced ip address scanner Open it
3.The Advanced IP Scanner main window appears.
and enter an IP address range in die Select range field.
4.Click die Scan button to start die scan.
5.Advanced IP Scanner scans all die IP addresses within die range and
displays the scan results after completion
6.You can see in die above figure diat Advanced IP Scanner lias detected
die victim machine’s IP address and displays die status as alive
7. Right-click any o f die detected IP addresses. It will list Wake-On-LAN. Shut
down, and Abort Shut down
8.The list displays properties o f the detected computer, such as IP
address. Name, MAC, and NetBIOS information.
9.You can forcefully Shutdown, Reboot, and Abort Shutdown die
selected victim machine/IP address
10.Now you have die IP address. Name, and other d e tails of die victim's machine
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